What DRIVEs You?

My friend, Thong Chow Ngian sent me this cartoon. I appreciate it very much as it is uniquely related to my sporting lifestyle, and he illustrated it with me in mind. What I value most about this humourous rendition is that he has honed his artistic talents for the past 25 years. He learnt howContinue reading “What DRIVEs You?”

Rebuilding A Team Of Distinction In The New Norm (2020)

The pandemic has flicked a ‘re-set’ button for us. Globally, we face the impact of decisions born of safety, health, consideration and care. However, it has led us to consider seriously review and recalibrate what our choices are, career-wise, business-wise, and lifestyle-wise. Re-build Your Team: The fallout from this global disease is not over, yetContinue reading “Rebuilding A Team Of Distinction In The New Norm (2020)”

Games & Game-Mastery

Welcome! I love games: Board-games, puzzles, Adventure-Learning , Team-building events, online business simulations, and virtual-sports. The key word for playing games is: FUN! You got to have fun. One stunning example of how fun has been integrated effectively and with stunning impact is the Pike Fish Company in the Farmers’ Market in Seattle. FUN isContinue reading “Games & Game-Mastery”


I completed the Osaka Marathon on 3 November. In that race, I earned a Boston Qualifier (BQ) time of 3 hours 19 minutes. With a margin of over-10 minutes, I think I am assured of a spot in the Boston Marathon 2018. I was mildly disappointed that I missed narrowly a BQ-with-Boston in April thisContinue reading “OSAKA MARATHON 2016: A RACE REPORT”

Thinking About Thinking

When George Lucas created the concept of ‘light-sabres’ in his successful franchise ‘Star Wars’, he creatively substituted and imagined that controlled laser-beams would be the choice of ‘blades’ (of the swords of guardian-protectors known as Jedi-knights) of a futuristic premise. Imagination based on existing knowledge works on synthesising epistemology and technology, and together with visionContinue reading “Thinking About Thinking”

Clock Your BQ: My EBook On Running

‘I have finished reading your book and I am EXTREMELY impressed, Enrico!  Your advice and observations are meticulous. Your book is fantastic! LOVE THIS BOOK ENRICO! ~ Paul Lelekis, Author. I am exceptionally proud of this book. It has been the culmination of 17 years of continuous endurance training and racing experience. In this, IContinue reading “Clock Your BQ: My EBook On Running”

My Happiness Hacks For 2016

1) Exercise when you can. Get off the couch/chair! 2) Colour your life. Wear brighter and gaudy colours. 3) Greet everyone you know/see/meet. 4) Pat (gently) a dog/cat. Therapeutic touching. 5) Eat comfort foods occasionally. The 20 percent of the 80:20 Rule. 6) Hang out with positive happy, like-minded, people. 7) Drink coffee. Buy aContinue reading “My Happiness Hacks For 2016”