Clock Your BQ: My EBook On Running

EnricoBoston_Cv_CFM‘I have finished reading your book and I am EXTREMELY impressed, Enrico!  Your advice and observations are meticulous. Your book is fantastic! LOVE THIS BOOK ENRICO! ~ Paul Lelekis, Author.

I am exceptionally proud of this book. It has been the culmination of 17 years of continuous endurance training and racing experience. In this, I share my tacit wisdom and experience of becoming a fitter athlete, and how I gradually earned my achievements as a marathoner.

I wrote this book in response to questions about how to train for triathlons and marathons. It is like a Q & A, compiled, with numerous stories and interviews to inspire and encourage.

This is not a biography, and more a distillation of my lessons learnt through my ‘journey’ of learning and applying the science and practice of exercise and racing.

Although, the title focuses on preparing for a marathon, yet those beginning their journeys in running and endurance multi-sports, can apply and learn these principles and suggestions.

Proceeds of this book will go to charity. I will post, on occasions, when I make my donations. You can do your part by getting a copy here.

Please may payment of US$10.00 through PAYPAL, c/o Do send me an e-mail for account details if you wish to pay through a Singapore-based bank.

Thank you for helping me realize my dream of authoring my personal education to you.

‘I have read many books on running in which authors shared their gems of knowledge; Enrico’s book is different, in that he shares his gems of wisdom. This is because while many authors focus on describing the importance of various training components to success over long distance racing, Enrico chooses to focus on an oft-neglected point – how to be effective in your training, by adopting a balanced approach that includes smart goal-setting and proper nutrition.

Given his well known pedigree in marathons, and his very rich experience in Ironman triathlon, his advice will benefit novices and experienced runners/triathletes alike. I definitely picked up more than a few tips from his account, which I am currently putting into practice.

Above all, he reminds us once again, and in a powerful way, that you do not need to neglect your health, friendship and family just to be the best athlete you can ever be. Thank you, Enrico!’ ~ KUA HARN WEI, Ph.D., Deca-Ironman distance finisher (10 Ironman triathlons in 10 days), Quintuple & Triple-Iron-distance finisher.

Published by EnricoVarella

Enrico is a international leadership consultant who has trained and consulted with supervisors and managers in 20 countries over 27 years. A professional of myriad interests, he enjoys learning, applying new ideas, researching, and sharing. His complementary roles include Public Volunteer, Public Speaker, Gamification Facilitator, Playwright, Sports-Coach, and Magician. He is a 23-time Ironman triathlon finisher, and has completed the Ironman World Championships in Kona, and 3 X Boston Marathon. He enjoys the occasional fermented brews with friends, comedy (no joke is too lame or corny), and aspires for low body-fat. He is still a Work-In-Progress, chipping away at the unwanted pieces from the block of stone.

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